Claude Guilmain, Directeur général

Claude Guilmain2012 Recipient of the Award of Excellence in the Arts, THEATRE ACTION

…for his accomplishments as production manager and scenographer for Toronto’s Théâtre La Tangente’s piece l’Implorante, a prize he shares with Duncan Appleton and Louise Naubert who contributed to the set design.

2012 Honorable mention to Louise Naubert and Claude Guilmain for their exceptional work in the direction of L’Implorante.


>> Biographie


Playwright, conceptualizer, set designer and director, Claude Guilmain is cofounder of le Théâtre La Tangente, compagnie de creation of Toronto and was its artistic director for 13 years (1994 to 2007). Multifaceted artist, Claude Guilmain combines several artistic disciplines for each of his new works. His professional experience includes innovative set design, special effects props, lighting, technical direction, production management, directing and film making, all of which give each of his creations its particular characteristics: production qualities are always surprisingly high given the limited resources. He enjoys pushing the limits of his imagination and ingenuity.

General manager and production manager for the past 15 years  at le Théâtre la Tangente, Claude Guilmain is also author in residence.  For Le Théâtre la Tangente, he wrote and directed L’Égoïste (1997),  La Passagère (2001) and Requiem pour un trompettiste (2005). Le Théâtre du Trillium’s production of Petits crimes conjugaux, directed by Claude Guilmain was nominated for a Masque de la production franco-canadienne (2005). L’Égoïste and La Passagère were published at Prise de Parole, Requiem pour un trompettiste and the poetic narrative Comment on dit ça, « t’es mort », en anglais ? at les Éditions L’Interligne.

Claude Guilmain has directed four documentaries for l'Office national du film du Canada : Portrait d’un parfait inconnu (2006), Entre les lignes (2008), La Sentinelle (2010) et Le 22e Régiment en Afghanistan (2011) and he is presently working on a documentary produced by l’ONF celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Royal 22nd Regiment.

He is the recipient of Théâtre-Action’s Prix d’excellence artistique 2012 for the set design and production management of L’Implorante.